Positive Agriculture in permanent update
Zicara is a specially recommended product for management programs in various crops attacked by insects, it can be used in blends with traditional pesticides. It is an organic product with contact effect stimulating also self defense reactions in the plant, reducing pests incidence.
Atlántica Agrícola operates within all of the regulatory compliance established for the chemical industry. In this case, we work extensively to implement and comply with each of the requirements established by these regulations, such as REACH and CLP. Atlántica Agrícola presents a register of all the substances it manufactures and also, as a downstream user, […]
Royal Decree (RD) 506/2013 Fertilisers
This national RD requires us to have an internal quality control system. Atlántica Agrícola, S.A., as fertiliser manufacturer, must fulfil a number of requirements. These requirements include the following: Qualified personnel responsible for quality control Laboratory for analytical testing Quality control plan that provides procedures, periodicity and frequency of sampling and analysis of both the […]
ISO 9001
Our quality management system is based on ISO standard 9001:2015 with regard to comprehensive quality focused on products, processes, technical and human resources, management and organisation. The scope of this quality system directly affects Atlántica Agrícola’s design, manufacturing and marketing. ATLANTICA AGRICOLA, S.A.’s Quality System is based on the achievement of two fundamental objectives: The […]
Aradium is a formulated product as a mixture of two natural extracts which enhances the inductor effect of defenses in plants and with a wide use in crop management strategies. It shows a great respect for beneficial insects.
Atlántica Agrícola mainly operates via two routes for the transport of our products: road and sea. We comply with a number of regulations depending on the type of product: Road Regulations: ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Royal Decree 97/2014, of 14 February, which regulates the transport of dangerous […]
Family culture
Everything we do, we do from a strong sense of family that influences every aspect of our company’s development.
Francisco Miguel Sastre
Our team’s capabilities are what make a difference and what sets us apart from our competitors. Cultivating talent and putting people at the centre of this great global family is Atlántica Agrícola’s priority.”
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